Control your thoughts and you control your peace.
Yesterday was a great day.
Slept in due to ‘Spring Forward’ time-change event. And, went to bed early the night before…nine hours of sleep. Can’t say that very often.
Got to ask Cheryl if she wanted to walk to breakfast two days in a row.
Wrote five differently-themed blog posts.
Finished our taxes.
Finished taxes earlier than i can ever recall.
Beautiful call with my Mom and Sister, like we do every Sunday.
Walked our yard, like i always do, daily, when i am home, admiring the beauty, color, tropical foliage, serenity, and “it-factor” being less than a mile from WDW.
Oh, and i washed our 1990 car.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.