Most trusted GoDaddy employee

Disney Institute business insight
The original insight stated “we over-manage the same things others under-manage of ignore”. The last sentence in the photo remains unchanged.

i over-focus on the same things i used to under-focus on or ignore.


Bryan is the most trusted GoDaddy employee i’ve encountered since 2008.

From the initial contact with Bryan a month ago, he was different.


Much better.

So much better that i felt like GoDaddy (and the Universe) gifted me exactly what i needed. Precisely what i was starving for.

A person sight unseen, who doesn’t know me from anyone, yet treated me like i was a VIP. A very individual person.

Bryan listened intently and quickly understood i was in deep need to protect and preserve 15 years, a lifetime of work, of prolific writing.

Writing intended to leave a trail for our young son (now in his 20’s) in case something bad ever happens to me.

In my professional opinion, what Bryan was doing naturally, subconsciously, was behaving in his role as if he worked for Disney.

He owned everything about my situation and GoDaddy’s commitment to their customers.

Bryan reassured me that he would be by my side until i was completely satisfied. No matter how long it takes.

In a perfect world, issues resolve quickly.

We live on a glorious planet, but it ain’t a perfect world.

So here we are, a month into it, with dozens of emails and hours of phone time.

My admiration and respect for Bryan continues to grow.

He has proven himself worthy of delivering world-class customer service.

World-class customer service makes customers feel that the company loves them more than any other company in the world.

Thank you Bryan.

i can see the finish line on our horizon.

•  •  •  •  •

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.