Maybe, maybe not

Mountainside in snow
Late September, couple years ago. Flew out to get this exact photo. Inspired by a Park Facebook post. True story. Assuming you can see the cars and the tunnel.

Dream like you are four years old.


One week away from a two-month follow up exam. From the second surgery. The first surgery was 80+ days ago.

The second surgery’s gas bubble’s anticipated clearance nears.

Started dreaming about a mid-to-late November return to Montana.

Then a week ago started thinking it might be too much effort for an unknown, and below-average, payoff.

But today…

Yes, today…

Back to thinking…

Why not?

Yet still grounded in the anticipated below-average ROI.

Note: It is not an inexpensive time and money venture for a few day’s adventure.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.