GM’s Final four of 50 gigs

note written on a postcard
Sent to boss, complimenting co-facilitator, designer, and overall teamwork. Bryan and Dennis, to this day, never knew i sent this to Wayne.
teddy bear next to a Jack name tag
Above Jack’s name it reads: Customer Care and Aftersales.

Excellence takes a back seat to nothing.


In a coaching call last week we discussed sending emails complimenting employees we observe doing remarkable things. But to send the emails to the employee’s leader, not the employee.

Couple assumptions. The employee is thanked by you personally, immediately, and specifically. The employee being thanked has no idea you are sharing the compliment with their boss.

Also assuming the employee’s leader shares with their employee that they received a compliment from you. And, that the employee will thank you for sending it to their leader. If that doesn’t happen, we can assume the leader never shared it, or that the leader shared it but the employee didn’t take the time to say something to you.

Final assumption. The work world is starving for recognition. When was the last time you or any of your colleagues told your boss to lay off all the personal recognition…it’s simply too much? Never.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.