Four reasons why slow and steady is the only way to make change stick

making change stick
Few people know slow and steady more intimately than Farmers

Four reasons why slow and steady is the only way to make change stick:

  1. Habits, good or bad, are engrained over time
  2. Without tedious repetition of new, old behaviors will seep back to predominance
  3. The only way to become great at change is to work hard – very, very hard
  4. Never get bored with the basics – ever

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Photo: May 2012, Iowa…from taxi cab window…traveling to give a speech.

Yes and no during midlife

WordPress Orlando Meetups
WordPress Orlando Meetups once a month at I.D.E.A.S.

A short list of yes and no observations in midlife:

  1. Yes it’s my birthday today (June 8), no it’s (today’s post date) September 8
  2. Yes I’m very pleased with the past three years of progress… have come a long way
  3. No I’m not as pleased with the progress… thought more would be done by now
  4. Yes things happened as expected, no it didn’t happen nearly as quickly as planned

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Why reinforcing your attitude is critical to success

the upside with travel? reaching more people.

It’s as obvious as the law of… an object in motion tends to stay in motion. An attitude that always looks for the upside, the blessing, the opportunity – will tend to always look for the upside, the blessing, the opportunity.

An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An attitude that complains, is bitter, sees only problems – will tend to repeat itself. Obvious, right?

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