Parental questions

Questions nurture personal and organizational culture.

The tougher the question, the better.


Parental questions:

  1. What’s your happiest memory of us?
  2. What were the first days of parenting like? First month? First year?
  3. What have you learned about life?
  4. What has life taught you?
  5. When were you most proud of me?
  6. What do you wish for me?
  7. What’s the nicest thing I’ve done for you?
  8. What’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for you?
  9. What’s one thing you want me to remember about you?

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Your thinking map

Shopping village sign
Wildly friendly is up to each visitor.
National park lodge sign
We thought about a pre-season visit for some time. But never did it. Two weeks ago we did it.

Your thoughts are your map. Your actions are your actual trek.


Your map is useless if you don’t use it.

Your thoughts are worthless if you don’t take action on them.

Thinking without doing is a cruel way to live.

You will live as an example, or as a warning.

Who’s to judge?

Anyone and everyone.

Pro tip: And if you’re smart, you’ll self-judge. All day, every day.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Balance life’s mental books

Walt Disney world sign
We love our hometown.
13-second video: Rut row.
6-second video: After my initial panic, i shut the pump down and quickly discovered the issue.

You are free to choose your thoughts.


Habits are what we think and do without thinking.

Balancing negative thoughts against positive thoughts should be overwhelming, 0% vs 100%.

Balancing closed mindset against growth mindset should also be overwhelming, 0% vs 100%.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Christmas 2024 in May

Man holding koala bear
Flying to see him today. Christmas is well over seven months away. Yet i know that this will publish on December 25.

We come to know the true meaning of Christmas when we learn to celebrate it every day.


A growth mindset allows me to create my own dogma, traditions, beliefs, and habits.

When you discern what you/we currently believe, it is countless iterations of what various people have believed, questioned, and reframed, over the centuries.

A growth mindset puts you in charge of your own life.

It’s worth noting that everyone is always in charge of their own life.

An insightful observation reveals a primal and tribal human predisposition to follow the herd.

No harm, no foul.

Yet, i believe it is what has kept humanity alive.

That, and the outliers who believe there is, perhaps, a better way to do a particular thing.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Work without a permit

Canada immigration website
Once bitten, twice shy. So i’m double checking to see what the 2024 rules are.

Behave admirably. Every day, all day.


A dozen or more years ago i had a frightening experience with Canada Airport Customs. While at Disney Institute, i traveled to Canada to work with Chevrolet. Even though the trip was legit and all future trips had the proper paperwork, that first trip had me feeling like a criminal with ill-intent.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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