i wouldn’t

Why in God’s name would you stop doing something you love to do?


Besides the obvious reasons already shared the past two days, why would i stop?

i wouldn’t.

So i’m not.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

April Fools Day, reprise

To thine own self be true.


Nobody cares.

Which is perfect, actually.

Did you know you can’t comment on any of my blog posts?

Did you know you can’t socially share them either?

Did you know i’ve been “blogging” for some time now?

Did you know i write to myself as the primary audience? And for our son in case i ain’t around later in life?

That’s why today is a fun day to “talk about” it.

Magic is when something unexpectedly surprising and delightful happens. i knew the day to stop blogging might come, but never knew if, or when.

Now i know.

The decision happened fast.

Definitely surprising.

Definitely unexpected.

Too early to tell if it’s delightful.

That’s the fun part of life, the adventure that the future offers.

Make no mistake, since 2009 the thought of stopping surfaced occasionally. Sometimes years between the thoughts. Sometimes weeks.

And most recently, three days ago, two days ago, yesterday, and now today.

Ps. Have been asking what would mornings (or in recent years, afternoons) look like with an extra two hours not devoted to writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts.

Simultaneously, a fair question to ask is how much is enough?

Seriously, 15 years, well over 27,000 blog posts.

By the way, since April Fools Day 2009, my published blog post total is more than 10,000 posts over the “official” world record of 17,212.

Nobody cares.

But, privately, it’s fun to know it’s true.

Today would have been the start of year 16.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

15 years of prolific blogging

Social media post about Led Zeppelin
Can you imagine having your first six albums simultaneously on the charts? Staggering accomplishments often go unnoticed. How cool is that!?

Prolific writing has been a great servant.


Life ebbs and flows, like the tide, like the clouds, like the weather.

We know this.

We sometimes dread this.

We sometimes embrace this.

i’m embracing it.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Be the shaman you wish to see

Led Zeppelin
World records come in all shapes and sizes.

A shaman is a person who bridges the invisible world with the visible world. Be your own shaman.


Ever wonder what the world record is for the most blog posts by a single author?

Me too.

i hear it’s well over 27,000.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Mental shaman

Disney signage
A timeless theme through humanity’s timeline.
30-second video: One-take. No script, so no rehearsal. And this is what happened.

Simplicity is operational genius. Operationalize your thoughts


A shaman is a person who bridges the invisible world with the visible world.

Another way of saying this is, someone who bridges dreams with reality.

A shaman possesses an uncommonly deep and broad subject matter expertise.

Operationalize is a fancier term than habitualize.

Habits are what we think and do without thinking.

Growth-mindset thinking, optimism, hope, positivity–can all be set on auto-pilot through habits.

It’s simple.

It’s compelling.

And it makes everyone’s life better.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged