Welcome back home to Walt Disney World

Out for an hour-plus leisurely walk after breakfast, passing time until 10:30am when i would leave the Kentucky Drury Inn for the airport to come home.

Stumbled into a Barnes and Noble and what was staring at me in the foyer book racks?




Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park is obviously listed in this book.


Glacier National Park
No photo credit is given for the Park this photo was taken. i’m betting on Glacier.


Glacier National Park
So i only want to open to page 338 and see the pictures.


Glacier National Park
Waterton (the Canadian sister Park with Glacier) is the first photo.


Glacier National Park
This is America’s only International Peace Park.


Glacier National Park
Well over one million acres.


Glacier National Park
The first trip involves an 8-day bike rental. Access to higher elevation trails won’t happen until mid-July this year.


Intentionally resisting the countdown until today.


Never want to post in real time when i’m away from home, especially an 11-day absence.

So, now that i’ve reached a safe date to begin a countdown…

Only 20 days until the flight to Kalispell, Montana.

And in the same breath, “Welcome back home to Walt Disney World.”

May 30 – June 10.

Leave in 20 days, return in 30.

Eleven days of writing.


Sales meetings with:

Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, Whitefish Chamber of Commerce, Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce, Glacier Conservancy, Xanterra Resorts, and The National Park Service.

Note: This post goes live the day after i return from an 11-day writer’s retreat in Glacier National Park.


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Can you afford to arrange such a unique work experience?

Chief mountain
The horizon from the two-lane road in the middle of nowhere Montana in 2017. Cheif Mountain on the right horizon.


Chief mountain
Pull the car over, get out, snap a photo, using about half of iPhone’s zoom feature.


Chief mountain
Zoom in all the way. Not bad for a phone camera.


Can you afford to arrange such a unique work experience?

Trick question.

Can you afford to not do it?


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Glacier National Park is a good friend

Glacier National Park snow plowing
Over in Two Medicine, near the town of East Glacier. Photo from May 3, 2018.


Glacier National Park snow plowing
Closeup of snow plowing on Going to the Sun Road. Easy to see one of the two snow plows. The second one more challenging…it’s left-middle-top.


Glacier National Park snow plowing
Context in the vastness. two snow plows just past The Loop switchback. McDonald Creek is running full in bottom left corner.


The thought of finishing my impossible book writing goal in Glacier National Park is surreal.








One million acres.

734 miles of trail.

300 grizzlies.

Trying not to let the anticipation consume me.


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Soon and very soon, we are going to…

Glacier National Park trail
Look closely. Center, a solitary Big Horn Sheep, still in his overnight resting spot.


solitude hiker
Grinnell Glacier Overlook is empty except for the photographer (me) and this guy (my college buddy Howard).


The Loop Trail
There’s a four-mile descent from Granite Park Chalet that cuts through an area once covered with trees – burned from a massive forest fire.


Soon and very soon, we are going to…

Glacier National Park.

Sample itinerary for trip number four (of five) this Summer.

Sat: Arrive 1pm, grocery stop, check-in Apgar Village Lodge Cabin, early dinner next door, hour-drive to Logan Pass, 3-mile hike Hidden Lake Trail, return to Apgar.

Sun: 6am scenic sunrise drive 2.5 hours on Going-to-theSun Road to Many Glacier Hotel (breakfast in cabin or car), two boat shuttles to trail head, hike Grinnell Glacier Trail, lunch there, hike down for 515pm boat shuttle back, dinner at Many Glacier or Rising Sun, drive to Apgar cabin.

Mon: 6am 1-hour drive to park at Logan Pass, hike Highline Trail 7 miles, lunch on trail, checkin at Granite Park Chalet, dinner, relax and enjoy.

Tues: breakfast at Granite, 7am-ish sunrise hike to Grinnell Glacier Overlook, lunch there, return to Granite whenever, dinner at Granite, relax & enjoy.

Wed: breakfast at Granite, hike to Swiftcurrent Pass and/or Swiftcurrent lookout (highest lookout in GNP at 8,400′), lunch there, hike back whenever, dinner at Granite, relax & enjoy.

Thur: breakfast at Granite, relax & enjoy, optional hike to Overlook or Lookout, lunch wherever, checkout, hike back to Logan Pass or hike down to The Loop (4 miles), shuttle to Pass, eventually drive 1-hour back down to Apgar, dinner at Eddies or Cabin, ice cream at Eddies, relax & enjoy.

Fri: Weather backup day for Sun itinerary (above), or optionl repeat of Sunday, or 6am 1-hour drive to Logan Pass, Mt Oberlin Trail  2.1 miles, 767’ gain, summit at 8180’, 360 views.

Sat: 6am 1 hour drive to Logan Pass, hike 7 miles Highline Trail to Granite Park Chalet (lunch on trail), checkin, relax & enjoy, dinner at Granite.

Sun: breakfast at Granite, morning open, hike back to Logan Pass, or down to The Loop & shuttle up to Pass for car. Hang at Pass, drive 1 hour back to Apgar, dinner in Cabin or Eddies, relax & enjoy.

Mon: 315am drive 45 mins to airport, catch 6 or 7am flight  home.


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Reach out to Glacier

Glacier National Park
Looking forward to four trips scheduled Summer 2018.


Note to self:

Reach out to Glacier National Park Conservancy and offer your Community Services Programs.

And in particular, reach out to Doug Mitchell, their Executive Director.

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