Four days until Glacier, mind

National Park WebCam screenshot of the mountain
My favorite summit. The summit i’ve done the most times. The summit that has now become the first-summit tradition each summer. That snow pack in the middle. Hope it’s smaller by the weekend.

First, it’s getting real.

Days away.


Had a thought yesterday that if i blogged every day for two more years i would double the existing world-record for the most blog post by a single author.

Note: Not interested in a world record. Why? Because it doesn’t matter and no one will know, let alone care. And, it’s not like i’m gonna put it on my résumé for my next job interview. lol

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Slow and fast

Disney Keynote speaker Jeff Noel at National Park
Four years ago, 2020. Remember Covid-19?

Can recall 10 months ago, after two emergency retina-repair surgeries that next Summer (2024, now), that it would take forever to return to Glacier.

Now, departure is a week away and i cannot believe how the time has arrived “so quickly’.

Seems that slow and fast are siblings.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Glacier panic

Two adults at the mountains
Hoping to get Cheryl up here to this exact spot in a few weeks. Photo: 2017?

Started the morning triple checking my calendar and the lodging website. What’s on my calendar and what’s on the website should match.

Guess what?

They don’t.

Panic attack.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Oasis of quiet, mentally

14-second video from Steve Wahlberg.
man in the mountains
Bishops Cap doesn’t look like Bishops Cap from here. In this photo i am on my hands and knees at the edge of a 2,000’ sheer cliff.

Be ready to go before it’s time to go.


American adults tend to wait until the last minute.

This habit manifests itself in everything.

Tell me it isn’t so.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Mental couch potato

Apple Watch in the mountains
8:20AM start.
three people at a trailhead sign
Stacy and Steve have taken me to the top of Reynolds, Pollock, and today Bishops Cap, (via Pollock Mountain’s summit). All three are 9,200’+-.
hikers in the mountains
We gain 2,800′ elevation in the first two miles, from Lunch Creek (6,400′) to Pollock’s summit at 9,200′.
hikers in the mountains
Short break as Stacy and Steve put on their climbing helmets.
mountainside looking up
This is a time-consuming section. No trail. Ton of loose rock. Not particularly favorable for scrambling.

Vibrancy has few peers.


Turning theory and common sense into actualized, habitual behavior places you in a psychological wilderness.

You will hike alone, unless you find a life partner to walk with you.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.