Write like you mean it

Hand-written notes
Not sure who wrote this. But certain it was a Disney Institute colleague. Guessing this photo is at least a decade old.

Gotta say, writing yesterday’s posts was therapeutic.

Which reminds me that writing in general is therapeutic.

This is a plus for continuing to blog.

Conversely, the reality that it’s not selfish to stop blogging is equally compelling.

Note: As i write today’s first post, a blinding flash of the obvious…writing is a superior way to think.

Bonus note: It’s not that i want to stop writing. It’s that i want to try something else with my time. Not sure what the ‘something else’ is. i have hunches. That part will fall into place. But without repurposing the extra two hours every day, possibility and opportunity are stifled.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

15 years of prolific blogging

Social media post about Led Zeppelin
Can you imagine having your first six albums simultaneously on the charts? Staggering accomplishments often go unnoticed. How cool is that!?

Prolific writing has been a great servant.


Life ebbs and flows, like the tide, like the clouds, like the weather.

We know this.

We sometimes dread this.

We sometimes embrace this.

i’m embracing it.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Thinking well is a privilege

Thinking efficiently is useful.

For lifelong, repetitive, common purposes.

Thinking effectively trumps efficiency, however.


Doesn’t matter if you’re making great time through life if you’re heading in the wrong direction. Common sense, eh?

But thinking well – deeply and broadly – bottomline, is where your life energy emanates.

Dwell on this.

Meditate with this.

Dream with this.

Act on this.

Never waste your glorious privilege.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

You know what?

couple in the mountains
The intentionality in this photo is too much to explain. Cheryl knows. Chapin gets it. And of course, i orchestrated it.

You know what, a couple weeks ago i started asking myself, “Do you want to continue daily writing/blogging?”

The question is new for me.

The answer is, “Not sure.”

Ps. The Glacier posts may be refined, shortened, and otherwise re-crafted. It was a good rough draft but i find it verbose.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.