Happy 2024 and 2025

huge carnival tent
Step one, install tent.

Welcome each new year, yet do not expect it to change your life.



We spend our life adapting to three types of change:

  1. Change we see coming
  2. Change we never see coming
  3. Change we wish to create

So today is the start of Memorial Day weekend (2024).

It is also New Year’s Day 2025 (as this finally publishes 7+ months after i write it).

So weird.

So fun.

So at peace.

So content.

As of today, i wouldn’t change the way i write.

Happy New Year.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

New Years Eve

Apple Music ad
Ask 1,000 people the top 100 albums ever, and you’ll get 1,000 different lists.

To live without my music would be impossible to do. In this world of troubles, my music pulls me through.

John Miles

The quote above is from a mid-1970s Circus magazine album advertisement. i don’t remember the artist, but i have never forgotten the quote.

Note: Just decided to Google the quote and discovered John Miles wrote the lyric.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Public Speaker in Canada?

Canada Immigration website
The blue highlighted section reads: You don’t need a work permit if you’re a guest speaker, commercial speaker or seminar leader who is speaking at specific events, provided the event is no longer than 5 days.

Walking is one of my favorite thinking laboratories.


Of the many things you can do while walking, thinking about things that are not generally thought about is one of my favorites.

Not only that, but you can think about uncommon things at the levels you want and need to think about.

Thinking this way enhances your ability to solve your biggest challenges and create your greatest opportunities.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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If necessary, mind

5:45 AM

Set your mental example. Use words only if necessary.


Simple, key, repeatable, and, observable mental behaviors:

  1. Always sees and speaks about opportunity.
  2. Always practices innovative efforts in pursuit of growth.
  3. Never complains.
  4. Never says something can’t be done.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Parental questions

Questions nurture personal and organizational culture.

The tougher the question, the better.


Parental questions:

  1. What’s your happiest memory of us?
  2. What were the first days of parenting like? First month? First year?
  3. What have you learned about life?
  4. What has life taught you?
  5. When were you most proud of me?
  6. What do you wish for me?
  7. What’s the nicest thing I’ve done for you?
  8. What’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for you?
  9. What’s one thing you want me to remember about you?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.