Live as if every day is a new day (because it is)

Bald Eagle
Less than a minute after leaving the Kalispell, MT airport. Karma.


Disney Keynote Speaker
Pulled in to say hi, but forgot it was Saturday – the office is closed on weekends.


Columbia Falls High School
Columbia Falls High School, near Glacier National Park, on the same street as Glacier Park Conservancy. Something told me to drive down the street…had no idea what i would discover… if anything.


Live as if every day is a new day (because it is).


Here’s the important point, statements like the one above are worthless unless they motivate us to do one or both of the following:

  1. Make a new, positive, lasting change.
  2. Sustain (don’t abandon) something foundational in our life that should never change.


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• rethink

Mt Oberlin Glacier
Mt Oberlin, center.


Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You realize how much nonsense you’ve wasted time on.  – Vala Afshar


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The road to excellence has no finish line

Disney Creativity Speakers
Glacier National Park a few days ago at dusk. Lake McDonald Lodge employee beach, just down from our cabin. The employees don’t need much, but they do need something (special).


If the evidence shows that there’s a better way to do this, are you open to changing?  – Seth Godin


Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.


At Disney, we are never satisfied.

And we are ok with that.

We wouldn’t be who we are without it.

It’s how we solve for impossible.

We like having that reputation.

Hard work, as a collective organization, is its own reward.


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You can’t improve what you don’t measure

Glacier Park Mountain Goat family
Glacier Natinal Park Mountain Goat family on Mt Oberlin trail, August 2018. The adult goat has a radio collar to track habits. Tracking habits helps improve wildlife behavior in heavy human exposure areas, like Glacier.


Three Mountain Goats on Mt Oberlin Trail from jeff noel on Vimeo.


You can’t improve what you don’t measure.


And, you must be vigilant in deciding what and how to measure.

Measuring customer satisfaction is dangerous.

Measuring customer love is harder, and exponentially better.

At Disney, we measure the four key drivers to Guest Satisfaction but only share the percent excellent with our Cast.

If we included all the “good” and “very good” ratings, we’d lull ourselves into a false belief that our Guests (and Cast) love us.

Good and very good aren’t good enough.

Not for love.

For love, your customers must feel some emotional connection and an undeniable commitment from your organization that they mean everything to you.

PS. To make our lives challenging, there are things that can be measured that don’t matter, and things that matter that can’t be measured. Satisfaction can be measured, love, not so much. Generally though, love can be measured by repeat visitation and intent to definitely recommend.


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Every day is day one

Disney Keynote Speaker
Walt believed cleanliness and friendliness trumped everything.


Virginia Falls Glacier Park
Do you see it?


Walt Disney was not perfect.

He struggled with many things, like the rest of us.

Yet his ability to see the most important things clearly, and see a better tomorrow, made him the Customer Service legend he is today.

Ever notice how things at Disney Theme Parks look so fresh, new, like day one? It’s a philosophy that comes directly from Walt. Walt said…

Those sharp pencil guys tell you, ‘Walt, if we cut down on maintenance, we’d save a lot of money.’ But I don’t believe in that; it must be kept clean and fresh.  – Walt Disney


To Walt, the goal is clear, concise, and compelling…

To compellingly connect emotionally you must communicate his message of happiness through a pristine setting.

Day one refers to the vision, drive, commitment, passion, energy, and hope (the very first day you launch your company) that your product or service will change the lives of many people – possibly enough people to influence the world.


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