Some wisdom is a blinding flash of the obvious

Midlife Celebratioon keynote speaker
From a few years ago. i still like it.



Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.  – Confucius


So obvious it’s easy to forget how brilliant it is.


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Disrupt the way you think about the little things?

Orlando disruption speakers
Scary or cool, depending on your worldview.


Enjoy the little things. For one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.  – Robert Brault


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Door number one, door number two, or door…

Disney Leadership Speaker
The welcome sign in my hometown.


The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.  – Flora Whittmore


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Taking risks is risky

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Risks make progress possible.


Taking risks is risky, so is playing it safe.


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Can a leaf be a flower?

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Disney Institute Keynote Speaker


Rethinking things takes practice.

To get good at anything, practice is required.

Same thing for .thinking .differently

Normally, we think of flowers as the part of the plant that has colorful petals.

Caladiums have no flowers during the majority of their seasonal lifecycle. The entire plant – every leaf – is full of color.

Can a leaf be a flower?

PS. Some images of a caladium flower are here.


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