Countdown to Glacier 2024, mind

Satellite map of Glacier National park
From the airplane’s seat back screen. Left is Continental Divide. Right is Great Plains.
Satellite map of Glacier National park
First stop is East Glacier Park Village.
Satellite map of Glacier National park
So magnificent.

Super cool to awake in our own bed yesterday.

The more places you see, the more similarities between humans you see.

And, the more places you see, the more differences between humans you see.

Here’s the insight (wisdom) i’ve gained…

i’ve learned our similarities, which appear to me as universal, are foundationally important.

i’ve also learned our differences are overwhelmingly unimportant.

.think .differently

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 8, Spring 2024

Community welcome sign
New sign. Seems close to perfect to me.
32-second video: Pretty good day, again.

Life, like mountain weather, is contingent on factors beyond control.


No place like home and we are waiting to board a plane to go there.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 7, Spring 2024

Mountain lake
We’re back for another day.
Mountain lake
Yesterday was perfect here. So we are gonna go for two in a row.

You are as old as your thoughts and as old as you feel, combined.


Our thoughts can become hardened and stiff.

Our bodies can become softened and achy.

Intentionally over-focus (yesterday’s theme) on things you under-focus on or ignore.

You know, your thoughts, attitude, and mindset.

As well as your movement, nutrition, and rest.

Note: And there’s the work and home (and spirit) choices too.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 6, Spring 2024

National Park Lodge
No flowers yet.
White board messages
May 10, 2024. Opening Day. We are here.
Couple at mountain lake
Somewhere near 10am.

Luck favors the intentional.


Days ago the Camp Store manager mentioned the Lodge was opening Friday.

The camp store two days ago was the only open operation. We visited before our hike to McDonald Falls.

Chris, the manager, and i met a few years ago at Rising Sun.

i remembered him and he remembered me.

We had a nice conversation.

Told him we know Alan and Ben at front desk. That’s when he shared today’s opening date.

Note: Being dialed into the various Lodge opening dates is not on my radar. Now it is.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 5, Spring 2024

Help wanted sign
A Hungry Horse tradition and transformational expansion.
Iconic Chief Mountain from Divide Mountain’s Eastern ridge.

What are my priorities? What is their prioritized order?


The quality of your life is driven by the quality of your questions.

“Why are questions important” is an important question.


It’s easier to make decisions when you have prioritized priorities.

You cannot prioritize your priorities if:

  1. You don’t know your highest priorities.
  2. You have not prioritized your highest priorities.

Note: No one needs priorities. Unless, however, a person is striving for vibrancy. Then prioritized priorities is the only way.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.