Got growth-mindset?

Is FaceBook the equivalent of a personal text to your close friends, but, you want to “cc” everyone else?


The Serenity Prayer has growth mindset DNA in it.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

View with a room

Two-story building engulfed in flames
August 31, 2017. i had a reservation for September 1, 2017.

i love being outside.


i love warm weather.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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We and others

We judge ourselves on our intentions, others judge us on our behaviors.


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Never forget

Ornate Elephant statue
Never forget, just like an elephant.

Never forget that what you think is who you become. Who you become drives your thinking.


Never forget that everything drives an outcome.

Never forget life’s basics.

If your thinking is always positive, you are acting on life’s mental basic…

Optimism trumps pessimism.

Growth mindset trumps closed mindset.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Mental stardust

Bronze dragon statue
Today at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, at the Yak and Yeti entrance.

Disney culture taught me how to perform like every day is Super Bowl Sunday. And that taught me how to do it in my own life.


In my own life, i apply Disney culture to my mind, body, spirit, personal business (work), and home life.

Mental stardust is using the gift the cosmos facilitated, the human brain, to a positive benefit.

To not use the gift for purely positive is to use it for negative benefit.

For example, fill your gas tank with 10 gallons of gasoline (1,280 ounces).

Five percent of that 10 gallons is 64 ounces.

Let’s assume your gas tank holds 10.5 gallons and you top off the tank with the final half gallon (64 ounces, just five percent of 1,280 ounces) of water.

What happens when you add even a little bit of water to a gas tank?

Now imagine that one-half gallon (just 5%) of water. That’s eight, eight-ounce glasses of water to a gas tank.

The engine is going to fail to work properly.

Now imagine just 5% of your thoughts being negative.

What mental damage does that do to the cosmos’ creation of your brain? What does that 5% negativity do to your ability to think only positively, whatever you want, whenever you want?

Maybe a small bit of dust (say 5%), turns mental stardust into something other than mental stardust.

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