World-record fool

Disney character as a ceiling feature
Goofy is no fool.

Spring 2009, a meager record of two consecutive days. How would it be possible to achieve 4,400 consecutive days by Spring 2021?


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Artistic gratitude

Book next to Madison Square Garden theater sign
January 2014. New York City.
The side of a Disney Institute van
January 2014. Walt Disney World.
Three men in suits on a stage
January 2014. On Madison Square Garden Theater stage for Super Bowl 48 game day staff training.

Hone your ability to live in constant gratitude and you’ll find it impossible to be unhappy while being grateful. Trust me.


How did i come to start a 13th consecutive year writing two hours everyday without missing a single day? The easy answer is the constant gratitude that daily writing provides.


Note: Today marks the final month of year 12. Expecting deep reflection this month. It snuck up on me. It’s incomprehensible. But will now endeavor – before April Fools Day 2021 – to capture the enormity, and the smallness, of the journey.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Give your best away

Covid graph
USA deaths as of December 4, 2020.
Covid graph
229k daily USA cases as of Dec. 4, 2020.

Give your best away for free. We hear this from well-intended snake-oil sales people trying to make a buck off of vulnerable, and often gullible, people.

You’ve heard the saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

As we end 2020 (it’s early December as this is written), i have reflected on the reality that i have been “giving away my best for free” unknowingly.

Will unpack as you read through today’s thread.

What is your biggest gift from Covid-19?


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Honing initiative

Snowball shaped Mickey Head
Descending from Swiftcurrent Mountain’s (8,200’) fire tower, fashioned a “hidden Mickey” from a small pile of unmelted snow. Snow is rare as you can see. The motivation is nothing but the initiative to potentially make someone smile.

Initiative solves most challenges by fixing things before they break.


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This website is about our MND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Living on bonus time

Two men wearing facemasks at Disney’s yacht club resort
Brad is our founding-father fraternity president. We’ve been “brothers” since freshman year, 1977.

It is not lost on me that there are people in my life who i may never see again or possibly see only a handful of times before one of us moves on.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.