Finally, a book challenging the way we think about balance, thriving, excuses, and second chances.
The book is not part of my platform for speaking about The Disney Way.
However, everything i learned and taught at Disney made the book’s content more compelling as a personal project.
This book was written as a life guide for a little boy in case something bad ever happened to his Dad (me).
Turns out a lot of adults dig the book because it’s a provocatively simple look at how to achieve something thought to be a myth – balance. And peace. And contentment.
The five differently-themed life choices i’ve been writing about everyday since April Fool’s Day 2009 are the template for moving from surviving to thriving.
Mid Life Celebration:
rethink • reprioritize • recommit
This short, pithy book destroys the worn-out notion that balance is a myth.
Life has five big choices.
And this book explores them in brilliantly simplistic, yet remarkably different context.
Written by a father to his young son in case something bad ever happened to the dad.
It’s both a loving hug and a kick in the as$.
It addresses excuses, regrets, second chances, and permission.
If you have any interest in previewing the first few pages for free, click the book image to go directly to Amazon. Kindle version available too.