Dear IRS, Mid Life Celebration, LLC Will Not Quit

I, jeff noel, swear under oath, that I will not quit.

Dear IRS, thank you for believing in the spirit of America’s desire to see small business startups succeed. Most boot-strapped startups never make it to profitability. Why? Because of the tremendous challenges – money, time, energy, commitment, ingenuity.

PS. Mid Life Celebration, LLC refuses to quit. Please have faith in it’s vision and my determination.

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In case you haven’t already heard, congress is currently reviewing new bills that threaten the very fabric of the internet. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill, and it’s sister bill, Protect IP Act (PIPA), are currently working their way through the United States Congress and the Senate. If these bills pass any copyright holder can simply allege a site infringes on their copyright and the site could be redirected at the DNS level and be cut off from all major ad services and payment processing services – all without any trial or due process of any kind. It’s scary stuff, but we won’t rehash the full issue here. Read this post, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to learn more about this issue.

Dear Son, Without Faith, You Are Left Holding Doubt

Don't let doubt keep you chained to a lack of Faith.

Dear Son, what is Faith? One thing it isn’t is doubt. So what Faith provides is the strength to carry on in the midst of doubt. Doubt will always surround us. Always (because we are human). Whether we allow it to penetrate and reside in our being is the difference between a positive and a negative attitude.

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Dear Son, Gone Are The Plans And Security Our Former Life Savings Afforded

Leave no trace of bitterness nor negativity.

Dear Son, the dreams we had of buying this thing or that, plus the security of having a rainy day fund – it all vanished. A poor attitude would have focused on this. Instead, the joy and sense of completeness we felt, and still feel, can not be bought at any earthly price. That is what a positive attitude will buy you.

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