What then, my dear friend asked

we discover we are not trapped, and can be set free

You know what’s really exciting about thinking for ourselves without restraint or condition? It’s the self-discovery we make when we start to become fully conscious of what we hold as precious  – the discovery that we really do have so much to be thankful for.

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Funny thing is, we are all that dying man

dying man
in roughly three months, Fall will be here (and summer, a memory)

Ask a dying man what’s important in life. Have you ever contemplated this? I have. Almost daily. And have concluded the obvious, his list will be much different, and incredibly shorter than the living man’s.

If this were my last summer, what then?

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Yeah man summer, the good old days

confidently setting the stage for a great season is our responsibility

Can’t help but think about how important confidence is, after watching the American Idol sing offs this year. What does that have to do with Summer? Everything man. Everything. As the clock ticks off each precious day, each precious week, each month, each season…

This summer season…what’s it gonna be? Another good summer, on a long list of good summers? Or, for whatever reasons, the best summer?

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