The DNA of midlife crisis

midlife celebration
midlife celebration is steeped in love – of others and of self

The history, the beginning, is the DNA of any company, country, movement, idea. Midlife crisis became a phrase in the 1960’s.

Midlife celebration didn’t become an official (and legitimate) Internet idea until Orlando resident, jeff noel, formed Mid Life Celebration, LLC in 2009.

At it’s core, midlife celebration is life’s greatest wakeup call. And our opportunity to:

ReThink – RePrioritize – ReCommit

Time to leave society’s herd? The movement toward personal peace and contentment won’t be found within the herd. You and I can only find it using Mid Life Celebration’s foundation that life has five big choices.

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I, jeff noel, do solemnly swear

jeff noel's first book
re-read the book October 27, 2012, after a year of dormancy

Procrastinated Waited over a year to call the copy editor. We met yesterday. She read the manuscript. We talked and I shared a vision of the future that is big. Really big. Scary big.

Hours later, I re-read the book for the first time in over a year, and for the first time on paper…


Coincidently, her email arrived as I got up off the floor. She said, “I left our meeting with a kind of energy I haven’t felt in a while”.

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How to tell if you’re secretly being a jerk to yourself

have a really nice day
the spare tire cover in a Southfield, Michigan parking garage
have a nice day
cardboard art on a Troy, Michigan Starbucks wall

You wouldn’t be friends with someone who would always put you down. Why do it to yourself? – Michael Luckman

So yes, just to reconfirm, midlife attitude is everything.

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