This is not education, and the secret of what is

conformity and obedience have served the United States for 200 years


Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. – Albert Einstein

To me, our midlife crisis is positive proof that education failed to teach us what’s most important in life – to think for ourselves – to trust our gut.


This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


What do the hardest years of our life eventually become?

jeffnoelmidlife Twitter
my Twitter feed coincidently speaks to the struggle (and joy) commonly know as life


Mid Life Celebrations tag line:

ReThink – RePrioritize – ReCommit

The ReThink part is in harmony with Freud’s thought:

One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. – Sigmund Freud


This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


iPad mini or authenticity?

iPad mini
iPad mini… November 2012


iPad mini or authenticity?

Which will lead The Movement?

The iPad – cutting edge!

Authenticity – cutting edge?

Tell me again who said our adult dreams are not worth pursuing because, well, we’re adults… and we should act our age?


This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


Authenticity is the new currency

two “individuals” who think I model integrity… hellbent on not letting them down.


Authenticity is the new currency. This is really a seriously exciting time to be alive. To be in mid life. To have so much wisdom, and yet with so much left to learn.

And then there’s technology. And authenticity. Which one has more power to change the world?

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


Mixed midlife emotions can be amazing or a train wreck

Life's Big Choices
life’s four big choices, plus a fifth, the large box which houses the others


Mixed midlife emotions can be amazing or a train wreck. I hope for you it’s amazing.

What’s mixed for me, in case you’re wondering, is being Thanksgiving-Day thankful combined with pushing groundbreaking boundaries.

Dear Son, it’s Thanksgiving Day 2012, in real time (as this is written privately), and there’s only 28 days (also in real time as we read this publicly now) until you and I reach year four of what was only supposed to last 100 days. I love you.

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog