Lorie Sheffer guest blogger: Forgiveness – step three

Cat on back
Abby doesn’t know how to hold a grudge (photo: Lorie Sheffer)


Over the past two weeks I’ve explained the first two steps to forgiveness. Step three is to understand the personal benefits.  Think how much lighter you would feel if you let go of past pain and hurt. Put it down, walked away and refused to look back.

Allowing ourselves to forgive and move on makes us a much nicer person to be around, and so we may find the wonderful people in our lives choose to spend more time with us. If we’ve ever been around someone who talks about old hurts and wrongs and who makes negative comments about another person- no matter how justified- we know how tiring that becomes. It’s awkward, it’s unpleasant and it can even become rather boring. Even if not vocalized, pain and resentment pollutes the way we interact with our loved ones.

Imagine how much better we would all sleep at night if we didn’t drift off while playing those old tapes in our head; those tapes in which we either relive the wrong that was done to us or lie there plotting our fantasy revenge scenarios. Imagine, instead, falling asleep with thoughts that calm us and make us happy.

Forgiveness is a gift we give to OURSELF.

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The secret burial place of life’s hidden treasure has been found

Community public park near Disney's Magic Kingdom
X marks the spot (for the buried treasure, right?)


The ugly truth about self awareness most of us lie about?

That the unexamined life is not worth living is an epidemic.

Too many brutal truths are revealed about our flaws, our faults, our hypocrisy, our ignorance.

Few of us are brave enough to spend our lives mastering the art.

And only those that do know where life’s treasure is buried…

Self awareness gets exponentially better the longer we pursue it.

The good news?

We only have to work on this one day at a time.

And we can do it in small, bite-sized chunks.

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The great Summer of 2013 in our mind

jeff noel and his Son at School art show
Being able to envision being gone is motivating for the present moment


The great Summer of 2013 in our mind? Four pulse-check questions:

  1. What will it take?
  2. Is it even worth it to try?
  3. When was our actual best Summer ever?
  4. What made that Summer so different?

Since none of us know how many Summers we have left, we’d be fools to squander this one.


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Dear Readers, here we are, one day away from Summer Solstice 2013

Church door inspirational sign for Lent
what if we replaced our procrastination with life changing action instead?


Dear Readers, here we are, one day away from Summer Solstice 2013. Remember last year jeff noel (yeah, that’s me planting seo seeds) asked if the Summer of 2012 would be the best of our entire lives (mine was).

And there’s no reason stopping any of us from having an even better one than last year.

Live like you mean it!

Come alive, everyone. Come alive.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

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