Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer: Whoops

Baking on a kitchen counter top
Sugar and salt look remarkable similar, yet yield opposite results


Why is it that some people seem to confuse “mistake” with “conscious choice”?

It’s a mistake to accidentally grab the salt, thinking it is sugar, thus ruining an entire batch of cookies. It’s a mistake to call someone by the wrong name because you honestly were confused, or to unintentionally mistake a person for his or her look-alike sibling. Taking a wrong turn and getting lost is a mistake. Mistakes are unintentional.

When someone steals, lies or cheats, they are making a conscious decision to do so. At some point, they have given themselves permission. They didn’t make a mistake; they knew exactly what they were doing. The mistake may have been thinking they wouldn’t be caught, or thinking they wouldn’t regret it, or thinking there would be no consequences.

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Back and forth between smooth sailing and ‘why did this have to happen to me’?

Royal Palm Way, Palm Beach, Florida
Royal Palm Way, Palm Beach, Florida


Difficult to imagine managing life’s busy, challenging, unrelenting tasks without a positive outlook.

For most of my life it was back and forth between smooth sailing and ‘why did this have to happen to me’.


Never complain.

Never feel sorry for yourself.

Work hard. Stay focused. Have as much fun as you can while doing it all.

It will not slow down until we die.

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Is it possible to forget how to complain?

Sunrise and palm trees at The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida
Not everything is as clear as we would like


Is it possible to rethink things, reprioritize those things, and then recommit to the new order in a way that transforms us from who we used to be?


I have forgotten how to complain.

This does not mean there is not a long list of things to complain about.

Shoot, my list is as long as anyone’s.

But you would never know.

(ps. rumor has it yesterday’s keynote was remarkable)

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Changes in latitude, changes in attitude?

Palm Beach, Florida at A1A
Palms and beach equal Palm Beach, Florida


Changes in latitude, changes in attitude? A favorite Jimmy Buffett album from 1977. Another favorite is A1A (1974).

So what, right? What’s the point?

Snapped the pic last night before the light turned green, then made the left onto A1A, traveling north 800 meters to “North America’s most extraordinary beachfront lifestyle”.

Today is a work day at The Breakers.

In the lap of exquisite luxury, there is transformational work to be done, and guess who’s been nominated to do it?

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