Dang writer’s flood

Three Mile Island towers from country road


(photo: Three Mile Island as we drive from Harrisburg, PA Airport to Spring Grove, PA yesterday)

Overwhelmed by the quiet magnitude of returning to our birthplace can, and should, be a grand homecoming.

Yet what if the overwhelming underlying feeling was anxiety?

Issues that have been lying under the surface for half a century, maybe longer.

Then what?

Balance offers a decent remedy.

A great attitude, a healthy body, a peaceful spirit, a professional approach to real world issues, and an organized set of good and decent priorities.

But who has time for balance?

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We have to start our own fire

school class
Who teaches them to be fire starters?


We have to start our own fire.

And if we’re going to be a flame, why not a bonfire?

And if we call ourselves a fire starter, are we an example or a warning?

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Is it time to make a fuss over our existence?

Inspiring storefront window sign
Deceptively simple, ridiculously elusive


Our birthdays remind us that it’s time to make a fuss over our existence.

We come to know the true meaning of our birth when we learn to celebrate it every day.

Happy birthday Chapin.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

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This question begs us each day

Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
A special camera at this Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks offers this perspective


Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
Who dat?


It’s the same old story every day isn’t it?

Which begs the question:

Why even try to do incredible things?

We can be amazingly thankful if we have a convincing answer to this question.

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