Notes from Pinch

Pinch is a relative.  He lives in New Hampshire.

He’s 50-something.   A little older than me, and I turned 50 on June 8.  🙂

He visited us March 31, 2009.  Here’s what I wrote as he spoke.  (BTW, I normally don’t write notes when I speak with family)

He’s smart.  He makes a lot of money.

He has a brilliant mind.  He’s not physically fit.

He has had more varied work experiences than most, including internationally.

He’s an ENTJ.

He speaks C-Suite.




EBIT – Earnings before interest and tax

TCO – Total cost of ownership

Goals versus needs – find out what needs to be done to reach the goals

People Types & Tiger Stripes

Lead generation for the organizational sale

Proactazyme?  Huh?

What does all this mean?

Pinch speaks a different language than me.

That’s OK with me. 

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid-Life Marriage

Mid-Life Marriage.

Today marks my 26th wedding anniversary with my wife.

I believe I’m the luckiest man in the Universe.  Seriously.

We met 30 years ago in a job interview.

She interviewed me for a Resident Assistant position at our Alma mater, West Chester University.

I got the job.

The story is so much more interesting than what’s contained here; however, it’s a tale for another time.

Until death do us part.  Words to live by.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid-Life Crisis Bridges

Mid-Life Crisis Bridges

“The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn”.   — David Russell

One of the best ways to figure this out is simply to make choices, learn, and try again.

And many times, the choice we make is to not make a choice.

It’s no wonder learning takes so long.

I’d rather try and fail, than not try at all.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid-Life Revenge?

Mid-Life revenge?

“Revenge has no more quenching effect on emotions than salt water has on thirst”.   —  Walter Weckler

Peace, jeff noel  🙂

Mid-Life Value of Courage

Mid-Life Value of Courage.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage”.   — Anais Nin

Courage.  Vision.  Passion.  Commitment.  Patience.  Hope.  Faith. And, ultimately, Love.

These are key mid-life crisis values.

But hey, who am I to tell anyone what to value.  It’s your choice. 

All I challenge you to do is make one. 

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂