Perspective, By Heather Pinson, Guest Blogger

Photo: Heather Pinson.

Sometimes you just need to go for a walk with your daughter to get a little perspective. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. If it works with a water bottle, how much more effective would it be if we believed it to be true for ourselves? Perspective: get some. Go! Make a difference.

Editors note: Look closely in photo: “Plant bottle, up to 30% made by plants. Impossible?

Run, jeff noel, Run

On Monday, went for a Coralville, Iowa sunset run down this path…

No matter what you do for a living, it’s hard to find time for proper diet and exercise.

While this jeff noel (pardon me while I work on SEO) blog is about chasing childhood dreams, particularly for those who feel it’s their ‘second last chance’ to do so, my 2nd blog is about physical wellness.

And that jeff noel (SEO, again) health & well-being blog is a click away.

You can click here, or on the last (bolded) word…Next Blog

Happy Valentine’s Day 2011

Dear Son, I’m blaming you (and Mommy) for loving me…yesterday at Epcot:

Chapin, it’s your fault I started writing five daily, differently themed blogs. Remember? You wondered why your 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Hoback, made you read 20-minutes, out loud, every night.

I wondered why the promise to write your book – filled with Life’s secrets – hadn’t been started. Which prompted a 100-day challenge to write in all five blogs, every single day.

April Fool’s Day, 2009 seems so long ago…

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