Mid Life Words

Nothing Under Mid Life
Nothing Under Mid Life

Are you getting this? Mid Life Crisis versus Mid Life Celebration.

These are simply mid life words, but the difference between the two sets of words is as profound as the difference here:

  • Hate and Love
  • War and Peace
  • Terrorist and Missionary
  • Dishonest and Honest
  • Criminal and Saint
  • Death and Life
  • Apathy and Passion
  • Crisis and Celebration

Have I told you lately how much joy it brings to know there are others out there who benefit as much from Mid Life Celebration as I do?

Three days away from New Year’s Eve. Got big plans for 2010?

Undertaker Mid Life

Pushing Daisies?
Pushing Daisies?

“Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” — Unknown

That would be a life full of Joy, don’t you think?

Have a joy – filled day.  Carpe diem.

Mid Life Celebration on You Tube

Mid Life Celebration.  It’s the antithesis of mid life crisis. Same thing, different outlook.

Attitude makes all the difference, doesn’t it?  Whether it’s personal or professional, attitude is a way to excel in anything.

jeff noel (that’s me), founder at Mid Life Celebration, was traveling through Columbia, South Carolina a few days ago and noticed this airport hallway billboard.

To be excellent once, or maybe twice, is a huge accomplishment. But to do it eight straight years, well, unbelievable.

But that’s exactly what Lexington Medical Center has done. Here’s the one-take-You Tube video with my commentary:

You know what watching this video does for me? It reminds me that attitude is everything and also that much can be gained by reinforcing simple principles like this. Ya with me?