Mid Life Learning

Mid Life learning:

“We learn as much from sorrow as from joy, as much from illness as from health, from handicap as from avantage – and indeed perhaps more”. Pearl S. Buck

Maybe.  Maybe not.  What do you think?  Many mid life adults are too busy to even contemplate this kind of thinking.  I know full well the medicinal affects of a busy schedule. It can be used as a shield to protect us from painful truths.

“In youth we learn; in age we understand”. Marie von Ebner Eschenbach

Mid Life learning?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Yes.  There are choices all day, every day.  Like yesterday, when I posted about the person making snide remarks.  My patience was quickly evaporating by the lack of what I would call “personal respect”.

There was a mid life crisis moment of choice – take the high road or take the low road.

So all I can hope to do is make good mid life crisis choices when I’m faced with the high road or the low road.  Always take the high road.  It’s uphill and more work. But the view is spectacular.

Workaholics Hate Leisure Time

“Because it is less structured than work, leisure time leaves workaholics at a loss for what to do.  Workaholics practically climb the wall when they can’t work”.   — Marilyn Machlowitz

This is “painful” to read.  Why?  Because I felt particularly guilty this weekend.

While I did do a decent job of carving out time with our son, work occupied a better portion of the weekend.  It was predictable.

It isn’t leisure that leaves a loss for what to do.  It’s quite enjoyable, almost nirvana, doing nothing.  But the work starts to pile up.  So much to do.  So little time.

Yes indeed, so little time.  Our nine-year old will be driving before you know it.  And then it will be too late.