Do You Fear What I Fear?

It's often very challenging to tell if someone is trustworthy.

The challenge when we fear people we can’t change nor make go away – say a neighbor, boss, relative – is our options are seriously reduced:

  • Neighbor: Sell and move away (or keep a pistol under your pillow)
  • Boss: Quit or transfer (or hope they get promoted out or retire)
  • Relative: Avoid (not in a mean way)

Or we can go with choice number four, codependency.

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What’s My Biggest Fear?

Almost looks like evil eyes peering over the bottom row of trees.

Biggest fear? Having to do business with someone I don’t trust.

Common sense Insight: Without trust, nothing works well.

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What’s Your Biggest Fear?

Biggest fear is also the biggest excitement. The path ahead.

Okay, who wants to share? Or are you afraid to? No? Okay, cool. What’s your biggest fear?

Common sense Insight: Always be willing to go first if you initiate something…

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To Conquer Fear, Where’s The Best Place To Begin?

More important than the mode of transportation is the actual act of going. go!

You cannot wish fear away, but it’s a great place to begin. Wishing long and hard enough will never change things. But wishing can potentially create a burning desire.

Insight: The only thing that changes things is action. Go.

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