Our attitude around living and dying determines how we…

Inspiring note about living
Paying attention to nuance and detail – unspeakable blessing or a curse?


Today will be another in an endless list of days. Yet for some, the end will arrive today. A few are expecting it. Fewer still have prepared for it. Most will be caught by surprise.

The value of a day?

Ask a person who is counting theirs.

Our attitude around living and dying determines how we live each day, and perhaps, each moment.

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Christmas in September?

Christmas Decorations trigger us to spend
Christmas Decorations trigger us to spend


If there was no gift giving, what would Christmas mean to each of us?

And for how long?

Christmas in September? Society, through media and big budget marketing, has spent decades hyping up the Christmas gift giving tradition. Look at black Friday and cyber Monday after Thanksgiving. All intended to get us to spend a lot of money.

Yesterday and the day before I spent time, all of four waking hours total.

Time is money, and I spent as much as possible.

Four hours over two days doesn’t seem like much.

Compared to possibly never seeing them again, four hours was a jackpot.

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Maybe tomorrow I’ll have the courage, and diplomacy, to share this

blurry selfie picture
wasn’t fully awake when I read the email


Dear Boomers (and Dear Son), less than an hour ago, read a devastating email from a friend.

Her husband unexpectedly passed away yesterday.

The woman who’s Family attended our Son’s birthday parties for the past decade, and vice versa. Who’s age is near ours.

Mike’s funeral is tomorrow.

Completely blindsided would be the understatement of the decade.

The five blogs I write everyday revolve around the notion that aging is a privilege, not a guarantee.

We can embrace life, and death, as magnificent gifts from a loving Creator, and live our days with joy, passion, and deep, deep gratitude.

So grateful to have known Mike for more than a decade.

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Dear Boomers, when we aren’t living each day like we mean it, we’re doing this

profound career advice scratched on a notepad
Career advice from a President in charge of 60k+, with 40+ years experience


Dear Boomers, when we aren’t living each day like we mean it, we’re doing this:

Waiting to die

It’s a harsh reality.

Think of it this way if you need a second opinion:

She who’s not busy being born, is busy dying.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

You’ll feel better. About everything. Not all at once.

But slowly and steadily.


Today, or tomorrow.

PS. And trust your gut (see photo).

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