What is the upside to thinking the worst case?

School winter break sign
When is our final Winter break going to come and will it be memorable?


What is the upside to thinking the worst case?

Is there one?

Could it allow us to experience something so fully that we can’t believe we haven’t lived like this sooner?

Do we sort of, unconsciously, think conditions will be better down the road, and then we can really live it up?

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Straight talk should be welcomed or diverted?

microphone closeup in big arena
Straight talk? Worth it’s weight in gold and then some.


Life is a terminal condition. We are all going to die.

And only one person knows your answer to the upcoming question…

Five plus years ago in the Mid Life Celebration brainstorming process and visioning process, a few sound bites struck like lightning.

Live, before you die.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

So yeah, we are all going to die.

But are we all going to live before it’s over?

Only one person knows your answer.

And only one person is in charge of this answer.

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Quit being afraid

Residential meets commercial street
The start of another fearful day and playing it safe?


Quit being afraid.

Let’s not spend too much precious time on what we are afraid of and why we are afraid.

Resist the overwhelming temptation to go down the path of figuring out what we are afraid of. Instead, become clear on what we will gain when we no longer lead our day with fear.

Being crystal clear on what we gain from destroying fear is profoundly more effective than being intimate with what we are afraid of.

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Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style?

Mid Life Celebration book at Epcot's Norway with Troll
Life is not a dress rehearsal – Mid Life Celebration embraces this notion


Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style? Yes, try this one on for size:

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. – Steve Jobs

We know this.

Live, before you die. This ain’t a practice round.

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