Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer: The paved trail

Paved park path for walking and jogging
The paved trail at the Township park – better than nothing (photo: Lorie Sheffer)


I know this flies in the face of all that Jeff Noel stands for, but I have got to be honest. I hate to exercise. The minute I set foot into a gym, the distinct odor causes my gag reflex to kick in. I love to swim, but living in the Northeast means there is a definite season for that. Indoor pools = public toilet bowls.

All that being said, there comes a point in time when a decision must be made. We can either keep on ignoring the truth and hope for the best or we can force ourselves into submission. I don’t think there are many people out there who have not heard the benefits of exercise. The same as smokers know that smoking is negatively impacting their health, drinking heavily isn’t doing them any favors and fried cheese steaks with mayo and a side of fries is making substantial deposits in their arteries, we all know that we should try to incorporate physical activity into our life. We KNOW!

Sometimes true motivation comes from desperation. Arthritis has caused me to wake in the night with hip pain and stop wearing anything but supportive shoes. When I turn my head my neck makes the sound of milk being poured into a bowl of Rice Krispies. One day when my ankle was nice and swollen I got some free medical advice from my son. “Looks like arthritis, Mom. You know, dropping a couple of pounds would mean less weight on the joint.”

As I sit typing this post, I can see the park at the end of my street. The Township just paved a quarter mile walking trail around its perimeter. I’ve been forcing myself to go down there (almost) every day for the past two weeks. I walked a mile on day one, not wanting to aggravate my joints. Yesterday I walked two miles. Last night I slept through the night without waking up in pain. I feel like a hamster on a treadmill, pointlessly going in circles around the track. I haven’t bothered to see if I’ve lost any weight. This gal loves her sleep and doesn’t enjoy pain, so I will be heading down there later today, as soon as the rain stops.

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Takes longer to write less – true or false?

Child's 13th birthday cake
Life keeps us busy, year after year


Been wanting to write shorter, pithier posts, but just haven’t been able to find the time.

The challenge in midlife isn’t desire, it’s time.

Takes longer to write less.


And that’s the point, no?

The insidious reality is that those that make it look easy have simply accepted that it’s not.

And they push forward, even when afraid, uncertain, ridiculed, embarrassed, etc.

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Signing a book publishing contract is cool and weird simultaneously

closeup spider photo with white lab in background
What just happened, and what will happen next?


Signing a book publishing contract is cool and weird simultaneously.

Cool because it’s signed – this is a big deal if it’s never been done before.

Weird because reality smacks you in the face when all along you thought you were friends.

Reality begs, “What do you want people to feel when they finish reading?”:

Something so unexpected, so inexplicable that we are in awe of what just happened

Similar to a wakeup call, but less severe.

And friendlier.

PS. And that they are willing, even eager, to hear more in the next book.

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The worst thing that’s happened is this

Music history museum wall sign
Life is an art form that thrives on reinvention


The worst thing that’s happened is this…

The worst thing that has happened is the best thing that has happened.

Our midlife crisis wake up call brings us to our knees – the worst thing to ever happen to us.

Our midlife crisis response contains the best thing that has ever happened to us.

But how does one respond to the worst thing ever?

Accepting personal responsibility is the start.

In all five of life’s big choices.

(rethink • reprioritize • recommit)

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Why do we love big, positive news?

New Fiction book rack at bookstore
The world is over loaded with new books


Signed the contract, and paid in advance, for the first book to be published by Christmas.

Also overcame the fear of sending a digital copy of the book to a copy editor.

These things always seemed easy from a distance.

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