The number one mental attribute for doing what you say you’re going to do?

Iowa Magazine
Life Changing? They’ve either been through hell, are going through it now, or will be soon.


The number one mental attribute for doing what you say you’re going to do?

Staying positive amidst the constant challenges and pressures.

Our attitude is connected to our hope.

Our hope is connected to our dreams.

Our dreams are connected to humanity.

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Midlife keeps challenging us – are we grateful or do we crumble?

Pool deck umbrella stand blown into pool
A little thing like this and a big thing like Aortic valve repair surgery for a parent (91) – on the same day


Life is gloriously challenging.


Life is unrelentingly challenging.

It is the latter for everyone.

It is the former, also, for a smaller group.

Former colleague, mentor, and professional trainer, J. Jeff Kober, wrote this post today with some very kind accolades about Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit

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Why the original goal of a million dollars is not appropriate

LOVE sign
Happy Valentine’s Day 2014


Most authors make no money from book sales. When you factor time, and expense, it’s pretty much a losing proposition by itself. The exception is when a book goes viral (like getting on Oprah).

The opportunity to generate revenue is from speaking (and perhaps products related to the book’s cause – think “Life is good” brand).

Writing a book adds decent credibility. It’s gutsy – because if it wasn’t, more of us would do it.

Driving a 24-year old car, and keeping expenses low, and determined to raise money until a cure is found.

The original goal was to raise one million dollars, but decided not to limit the amount. Nor stop trying until the cure is here.

Once that’s done, we can move on to the next thing that needs serious help.

A friend’s spouse has had 33 surgeries from Crohn’s disease, and the last one was to remove the only remaining portion of his digestive system.

Our son has Crohn’s and is exponentially more likely to get colon cancer than a person without Crohn’s. Last anyone checked, colon cancer is bad news.

Make no small plans.

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Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer: Only for an audience

Edgar Allen Poe Books
Lorie Sheffer asks great questions and we are privileged to read a few below. (Photo: Lorie Sheffer)


By now, most of us have heard the inspirational saying:

Dance as if no one was watching,

Sing as if no one was listening……

Would you also write if no one were reading? Would you cook if no one were eating? Would you still do the right thing if no one were paying attention?

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