Admirable companies and jeff noel make it look easy because…

Some companies are so admirable their fans become brand fanatics


So easy to label it a gift, this daily writing about Life’s Five Big Choices.

Simultaneously, it’s so easy to say the most admirable companies in the world are lucky because they have the magic to make things work.

In both cases it can be summarized this way:

It’s not the magic that makes it work, it’s the hard work that makes it magic.

There is no room for excuses in the pursuit of excellence.

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Who dat?

cutoff jean shorts
To feel great in a pair of cut-off jean shorts is bliss


People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. -St. Augustine

Knowing others is a decent indicator of emotional health yet knowing ourselves is the definitive sign of wisdom.

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Three quotes worth internalizing

Inside a large Catholic Church
So many troubled minds in the world


So many troubled minds in the world, including ourselves.

Here is how I heal: I see what’s less than optimal in other people, and I find that behavior in myself and work to correct it. Then other people are healed by being around my healing energy. The circle of life. – Heather Hans

A harsh reality?

We must live as we think, otherwise we shall end up by thinking as we have lived. – Paul Bourget

We are in charge of our life.

Live like you mean it. Life is not a dress rehearsal. – jn

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Is it time to make a fuss over our existence?

Inspiring storefront window sign
Deceptively simple, ridiculously elusive


Our birthdays remind us that it’s time to make a fuss over our existence.

We come to know the true meaning of our birth when we learn to celebrate it every day.

Happy birthday Chapin.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

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