How can we reach midlife and not know why we are on this planet?

SoundHound searching


(photo: yesterday at Allen’s Ice Cream and Coffee in Windermere, FL… having breakfast and using SoundHound to identify a song)

We are all searching. Even those denying it.

To admit we are still searching is not inherently bad.

Why then do some deny the midlife searching?

Great question, and the answer is revealing.

Searching isn’t bad if you know what you’re looking for.

The embarrassment and guilt that could cause denial is from not knowing what to search for.

How can we reach midlife and not know why we are on this planet?

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Time is a midlife quality?

White Lab at sea wall
He wants to come over the fence because he thinks his owner is not coming back.


Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn’t seem to be working. – unknown

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Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?

collection of road construction signs
We are constantly looking for signs of happiness


Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?



Because most of us are struggling to keep up with the Jones.

Not the ‘Jones’ house, yard, or car, but with the ‘Jones’ apparent happiness.

Social media can become a big smoke screen for what lies underneath.

A deep and dull feeling of average.

Average is only bad if we assign it that value.

But what if average was actually bliss?

And what if it’s not?

What if we are capable of so much more but are afraid to go for it?

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